Saturday, October 2, 2010

randomness in my head

Over the past 12 hours or so...I have started to feel differently. Something just feels slightly off, and I'm not sure what it is.

I know I've got a lot on my mind.

I'm trying to work with couple of changes that have happened. Sure, I've been with my boyfriend for a while. But I feel like I miss my friends. I can't say that I choose him over my friends. I've just....lost contact with some of my friends.

And I'm not sure how to get it back. I worry that its possible to think that maybe some things are just lost. I don't know what to say. I kind of miss people, but at the same time I think that so many things have changed all at once.

I know I read into things too much and over-analyze things. I'm just not sure how to stop it. I want to, though, since it tends to cause me more trouble than not.

I have gone through my closet on a couple occasions, to realize that some of my clothes I've outgrown whether by size or style. I am realizing I need to update and change it to reflect my style. Somehow I feel slightly lost in this...and not sure where to start. I want to reflect the person that I am, in combination with how I wish I could dress...if that makes any sense.

I suppose I've always loved clothes and fashion, but feel a little lost when it comes to making myself look "amazing." I admire what some people can pull off, and am not sure if I can do so myself. I also am trying to think about what my possible style choices project about me...and if that is true or false.

Am I reading to much into fashion, also? It's highly possible.

I have a new sense of loneliness, for lack of better word. Its almost as though I feel something is missing, but I can't put my finger on it. I suppose thats because lately I feel a little meaningless when it comes to something I've been involved with for a while. Now that I'm not working on that, I need something to take its place. I recognize and understand that I need 'me time,' and I think I make time for that. I also need to find something else that I can use to gain further self-balance.

On a good note, I did join a gym recently. I think that should help. I might seek out church in the morning...or some kind of worship service. Even if its just to feel like my whole being is awake. I consider myself some what of a religious person, but I constantly ask questions. I wouldn't feel as though I could be me with ANYTHING, let alone religion, if I couldn't ask questions.

I think that might be all for now. Time to do some cleaning.
