Thursday, August 19, 2010

A view of someone happier

I've realized something funny lately.

I've become less of a cynic in one arena in my little world. I may still have a ways to go, but I've bridged one gap.

I went through a time period of 'woe is me' in respect to relationships. I started to think that all the men the I found were going to treat me badly. I was doomed to always be the one that cared more, when the other person couldn't care less.

This allowed me to also be slightly bitter at friends and the general public. It was almost as though since I didn't feel happy with the opposite sex, I didn't want any one else to either.

I feel as though letting go of that viewpoint, in addition to taking pressure off my self, enabled me to find the man of my dreams!

Sometimes it feels awkward being on the opposite side of the fence. I still know people that are fairly cynical about love or finding a mate. I still love these people, but have lost the feeling of sympathy. I don't want to be insensitive to their viewpoint, but I'm not sure how to respond to it.

Its funny how things can change when someone becomes a happier person.

By no means am I trying to say that a person cannot be happy without a mate. I firmly believe to each their own. Some people are more independent than others. Each person has their own life to live, whether it is spent with a mate or not. I just have lost a lot of the cynical feelings of love, and yet don't want to dismiss it when I meet it. I respect that opinion and understand that it largely comes from experience.

I've just gained something that has made me not cynical anymore.

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