Monday, May 17, 2010


Its not a huge secret to many that know me. Music is a very big deal to me. I often look toward it in comfort. I also tend to do a lot of musical association. I associate people and places, even major events with music in my life.

I am coming into a fun situation with my boyfriend. He has led a sheltered music life, or so I would call it. He's only familiar with certain types of music and artists.

I am familiar with more of a kit-and-caboodle collection. I spent more time watching vh1 (when it was still good) when I was younger than watching cartoons. I would definitely defeat anyone who would challenge me to a music knowledge battle.

I think music tells a lot about people. The kind of music one likes and regularly listens to can (and definitely is, in my case) a window to the soul.

I suppose I will end the chatter, and do the seemingly obvious next step. Posting some song lyrics that are near and dear to me right now.

I suppose I can just list some songs. Lyrics can be found easily.

"Halo" by Beyonce just sticks in my head. I feel like I've finally found my angel, and this is exactly what this song tells. I have met the person who is exactly what I need. He has the amount of patience and sweetness to deal with all of my relationship issues. All the while, just his presence has brought down barriers I had built up strong. At the end of the day, he's my angel and I'm his angel.

"Uprising" by the Muse tends to get stuck in my head. I like the catchy beat and guitar. Plus, I like the lyrical content. A two for one! I am very for the main battle cry of the song--standing up and taking what is rightfully yours. I like the message of standing up for yourself, and has been something I've spent time struggling with.

I am working to acquire a lot of new music, so I will leave it to those songs for now.

I am getting closer and closer to my license/car!!! :) :) :)

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