Sunday, May 2, 2010

Farewell to my friend

I am an animal lover. Many people know that about me. I grew up around animals, and had a rabbit named Kiss that was my baby. I think I probably called her "Baby" more than her actual name.

She would sit on my lap while I watched t.v. I fed her every morning and let her romp around the apartment as often as I could.

I made sure she got plenty of attention when I could. I grew to recognize every face given to me. Even though she didn't bark, she still had a distinct, sweet personality that her face exuded.

I knew when she was scared by a noise or smell. I also knew when she did not want me to leave her just yet.

As odd as it sounds for a bunny, I cried while petting her. I vented to her about some of my biggest boy troubles of yesterday.

Recently, giving her attention has become more difficult. Due to certain circumstances, I have not been at the place which my name is on the lease very much.

Because of my work schedule and the bus schedule, I wasn't seeing her as often as I wanted to.

I know that she is a social creature. Even if she is not being given direct attention, knowing that someone is in the same room can be enough. Those moments were harder to come by.

I began to struggle with thoughts in my mind. I truly loved her and her company. With that love, I didn't feel right for the situation I was putting her in.

I was starting to stay with my boyfriend more and more. Essentially, I unofficially live with him at the moment.

Unfortunately, his place is not very pet friendly.

It was the combination of everything that led me to giving her up to a co-worker. I knew that someone would be able to take better care of her than I could at the moment. I didn't want my dear Kiss to suffer in possible and probable loneliness anymore.

I will miss her face and her gentle personality. I will also miss the bond I feel we had.

At the same time, I know she is with someone better suited to take care of her at this time.

Perhaps I can convince my boyfriend to get a different animal in the future.

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