Saturday, April 24, 2010

A throwback to a time ago

I recently started in a new department working in Wal-Mart. I wanted a challenge, more responsibility and (I'm not kidding anyone) more money.

So about two weeks ago from now, I started in the pharmacy.

The newness of everything had me enraptured. It was exciting to be learning something new and feeling like I was getting a grip on it. I also felt like I was liked by my co-workers. Being liked isn't everything, but it makes the day go smoother.

Recently, this week I had a bad day at work. Who doesn't, right?

What struck me about this day was how hard it hit me. I had been truly upset by it; it got at my core.

I had a number of run-ins with the department know-it-all. She's very smart, but not known as the kindest person in the store by any means.

Suddenly I was brought back to my high school mindset, and thats what shook me so much. I was worried I wasn't good enough for the area. I had made minor mistakes in the area that didn't harm anyone or put anyone in danger.

It was just a moment where I started to severely doubt myself. I thought that maybe I wasn't up to par with the rest of the pharmacy....even though I was still learning and had done nothing wrong.

That's how I felt while in high school. Because I didn't belong in the 'correct' crew, something was wrong with me. I wasn't quite good enough.

After some tears were shed (I'm kind of emotional person) and some comfort and kind words from a special someone, I felt much better. I realized something that I thought I had realized long ago. That I can't let others get to me and tear me down. I had grown very good at not worrying about others thoughts and marching to the beat of my own drum.

I think thats why I got so upset at the events that day. I was shocked that someone could still have that power over me. Especially someone that I don't consider a friend.

Confidence is an amazing thing! Don't let anyone tear you down! I'll remember this in the coming days!

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