Sunday, April 11, 2010

Get on the bus, Gus

For those of you that read my last post, I did indeed get the Samsung Rogue. I've yet to incur any major problems with the phone. The touch screen did give me a problem with voicemail, but that can quickly be absolved.

When I went to get the phone, I utilized the CU-MTD as I don't have a car of my own at the moment (53 days!!:) ). Its not how I would prefer to travel, but it gets me where I need to go with little problem.

Upon getting on the bus and sitting down, I was almost overwhelmed by something.

I think lots of mean thoughts on the bus. Anyone that knows me knows that I am very much not a characteristically mean person. I'm very polite and nice by nature.

For some reason, though, on the bus the thoughts in my head change. It could be simply due to agitation with the notion of the bus system in general and impatience.

Most of my thoughts are about the perceived laziness of my fellow bus riders. I will see someone get off at one street corner, and someone pull the cord to get off at the next street corner. A distance of approximately 20 feet or so. Walking from one end of WalMart to the other is a greater distance. Yet, for some reason, the rider couldn't get off on the earlier street with the other person to streamline.

This is in broad daylight, so safety is not as much of a concern. I don't understand it.

Also, inevitably the people sitting near you bring about some annoyance. I've recently dealt with body odor issues and a person speaking on a cell phone very loudly. It sounded as though he was yelling. I'm almost shocked the bus driver didn't say anything to him.

I'm always calling people names in my head, sometimes for no reason. I suppose it could be attributed to my overall agitation for the bus.

Do you have any bus stories?

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