Friday, April 9, 2010

I began this blog as a part of my Online Journalism class I took while apart of instruction at Eastern Illinois University. Sadly, I have not kept it up. It's time to change that.

This is my place to rant about anything and everything. Everyone needs a place to rant, right? Just to get it all of their chest? This is my place. My place to rant about the daily happenings in my life and in my head.

So, why don't we just get started?

I am having on-going problems with my phone. I made the mistake of getting an EnV 3, after all the problems I had with my EnV 2. Sounds smart, right? I made the decision simply because, at that time, it was the only phone through Verizon that did not require a data plan.

Of course, I am suffering dearly for it. Like many people of my ripe young age of 23 years old, I depend on my cell phone for nearly everything. I put my work schedule in it. I also use it to set alarms. As I do not wear a watch, I use it to keep time during the day. I also use it for text messaging, although some may say I text too often.

So the fact that my phone decides to shut itself off at nearly every chance is very frustrating, to say the least. I can be hard on phones, by I've grown out of the habit of throwing it. That's not to say it hasn't been dropped a couple times. I highly doubt many can say they haven't dropped their phone a time or two. The point I'm getting at is that no logical reason exists for the malfunction.

I can hope I will receive an early upgrade when I ask for one at my local store. Surely they can understand how frustrating it is.

I am desiring a Samsung Rogue. It was easy to use as a demo at the Verizon store, and online reviews are very encouraging.

Has anyone else had this much trouble with an EnV series phone? Any feedback on the Samsung Rogue?


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